Code of Conduct

By participating in our Coaching Services and/or “The Accountable’s”, you agree to the following Code of Conduct

Updated: 30 December 2022

“The Accountable’s”

Our team at B. Colburn Coaching | is dedicated to providing a collaborative and supportive environment for current and aspiring entrepreneurs. We understand that starting a business can be intimidating, but with our help, you will save time and money.

By using our Services, you agree to these rules for conduct.

1. Respect and Dignity

All participants in the Accountable’s will be treated with respect and dignity and will be expected to behave in a respectful and dignified manner toward others.

2. Confidentiality

The Accountable’s process is confidential, and all discussions, materials, and information shared during the process will be kept confidential unless agreed upon in writing by all parties involved.

3. Inclusivity

Group meetings will be conducted in an inclusive and welcoming environment, and all participants will be encouraged to share their perspectives and experiences.

4. Non-Discrimination

Sessions will be conducted in a non-discriminatory manner, and all participants will be treated equally, regardless of their age, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, ability, or any other characteristic.

5. Professionalism

Sessions will be conducted in a professional manner, and all participants will be expected to conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner.

6. Safety

The safety and well-being of all participants in the Accountable’s is a top priority, and any behavior that jeopardizes the safety or well-being of others will not be tolerated.

7. Feedback

Feedback will be given in a constructive and respectful manner, and all participants will be encouraged to provide feedback to improve the process.

8. Boundaries

The boundaries and needs of all participants will be respected, and any concerns or issues should be raised with the Group Lead in a timely and respectful manner.

9. Ethics

Sessions will be conducted in accordance with ethical standards and guidelines, and all participants will be expected to adhere to these standards.

10. Continual Improvement

The Accountable’s process is designed to be continually improved and refined, and all participants are encouraged to provide feedback and suggestions for improvement.

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